E-learning: The Digital Teacher’s Secret Ingredient for Success

How many times have you wondered why your students aren’t paying enough attention in online classes, or why they’re not getting what you’re teaching as fast as they used to in traditional classrooms? How many times have you thought about or heard these words from other teachers?“Learning online is similar to learning in a classroom”,Continue reading “E-learning: The Digital Teacher’s Secret Ingredient for Success”

Rethinking Assessments

                                               Imagine yourself sitting for an online exam not knowing what you’re being assessed for, don’t have a clue about how to answer the questions online, or not even sure if this new way of testing will “understand” your answers! This is what most students worldwide feel nowadays due to the unexpected closure of manyContinue reading “Rethinking Assessments”

Integrating Technology to Bloom’s Taxonomy

The new normal the we live in now forced teachers to change the way they teach completely, as the virtual schools and classes have obliged them to adapt new strategies and create tools to deliver their lessons successfully. For decades, Bloom’s Taxonomy has been one of the most reliable tools that teachers have been countingContinue reading “Integrating Technology to Bloom’s Taxonomy”

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